July 1, 2011

Color Block

There were 4 strips of fabric that were sitting at the bottom of my refashion stuff.  I only chose 3 of the 4, though. Purple just didn't have what it took to make it to this top. I was feeling boat-neck-y, and elastic strapp-eeeey.  So that's what you're seeing on the shoulders. Hope you like as much I like!

One more thing....
I have 21 followers as of today! Cuurrazzzy! Ok fine, most of you guys are friends and family. But you know, I have many more friends and family which do not follow despite the invite. So thank you SOOOOO much for the support. And for those who just decided to follow, I wish I knew you personally to hug you. So please accept this hug .......X!..as a token of my gratitude.

4th of July weekend starts now. May your BBQ be delicious, your drinks refreshing and your fireworks special.



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